U.S.-based enterprise technology leader and brand strategist, with a passion for helping global organizations crystallize their vision, gain alignment, and develop marketing communications programs that work. Expertise includes Adtech, AI, Fintech, SaaS, Security and Open Source Software. She holds a BA in Psychology and Organizational Development from Sonoma State University.

THIS IS A TEST Of The National Wireless Emergency Alert System, OK?

Last Wednesday, on October 3 at 2:18 PM ETC, millions of U.S. cell phone users received a text message that caught them by surprise, setting off waves of concern and myriad questions—was it an Amber Alert? A national crisis warning? No. It appeared to be a harmless alert from the White House: THIS IS A TEST of the

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Your Digital Health Records Are A Nightmare For Technology

Despite its best efforts over the past two-plus decades, the healthcare industry has seriously lagged when it comes to implementing secure, user-friendly, and fully digitized medical recordkeeping. But this situation has started to shift as people in the field begin to encourage and embrace much-needed change through legacy recordkeeping and the implementation of new technologies.

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