These Simple Lessons Could Prevent The Loss Of Your Data

The recent implementation of GDPR and the race for increased corporate compliance with issues of privacy has generated a lot of noise in the cybersecurity industry, most of which stems from a lack of overall understanding about the new measures—and what they mean for the future of online business. An article recently published by Motherboard suggests

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How Is The GDPR Redefining The SME Business World?

Europe has blazed the trail for improved protection of global consumer data, regardless of the owner’s nationality—an effort now known as the GDPR. While it’s true the internet has no real national boundaries and is agnostic of regional policies, companies affected by the new mandate are realizing they must map out some solutions for the

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Is The GDPR’s Hefty Penalty Forcing Ransomware Victims To Pay Up?

Experts and authorities typically discourage companies under threat of ransomware from paying the crypto fees requested to release their encrypted data. But this common response may soon become a thing of the past as fresh EU legislation that took effect last month, now known as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), will leverage hefty fines

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Understanding The European Union’s GDPR Policy

The European Union (EU) started enforcing the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) last May 25, driven by the goal of fostering a global culture of promoting privacy as a right and not just as a privilege. Global companies are now choosing to adopt a unified GDPR-compliant Terms of Service, instead of implementing a separate GDPR-friendly

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