
Data Mining & Collaborative Tool Open Sourced By Google

Google is known for developing software and open sourcing it for the community to use, with its core business continue to revolve about advertising and data-mining. Yes, critics always echo that Google’s “don’t do evil” former motto was just for PR, which got some credit given that the search giant removed (or forgotten) that motto

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Personal Data of Over 2,000 Australian Women Sold for $US60

Personal details pertaining to over 2,000 Australian women who have signed up for online dating services are being sold for just $US60. ABC News Online reports that it’s a company registered in New York that is selling the personal data and that this data includes very intimate details like the person’s age, photographs, personal preferences

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Some of the Worst Passwords of 2019

Cybersecurity experts always advocate for a strong and unique password, and it is one of their top priority. They also continually identify the different patterns that make a strong, unique password. However, not many take this recommendation seriously, because they think it is difficult to remember or they are not able to come up with

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What Happens When Drones Suddenly Challenge Security?

Not too long ago, devices powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) were considered a futuristic novelty—but these days, not so much. Our dear friend Alexa now comfortably resides in well over 30 million American homes, and we may soon see drones delivering groceries and other goods straight to our front doors. But this particular development has

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