Something Actually Needs To Be Done About This Scary Cryptojacking Epidemic
Monero is a popular form of cryptocurrency, and it’s also the most common digital coin for cryptomining malware. There are two main reasons for Monero’s popularity with cyberattackers. The first is, it’s the cryptocurrency that’s generated by the Coinhive web-based cryptominer, which when deployed (with the consent of website owners and webpage visitors), is actually
[ Read More ]Surprising Moments When Computer Forensics Saved The Day
In the mid-1980’s, the criminal and judicial world underwent a serious transformation as the role of DNA evidence swept onto the scene and established the field we now know as forensics. This process allowed experts to collect, preserve, and analyze any physical evidence found at a crime scene, which could then be used to unravel
[ Read More ]This Is How California’s Privacy Law Has Left The GDPR In The Dust
When the European Union’s (EU’s) General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) became law on May 25, 2018, it set an impressive precedent for data privacy and digital rights—but it also sent shockwaves throughout the tech industry. Consequently, some web services such as Klout, which measures one’s social media influence, had to shut down, while other companies
- Kim Crawley
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Did The Kavanaugh Hearings Distract You From Facebook’s Scary Hack?
While we were all glued to the Kavanaugh Senate Hearings on Friday September 28, Facebook announced that 50M user accounts had been hacked. Right now, it’s not clear who was behind the attack, but even stranger is that we also don’t know who exactly has been affected by the security breach. As of 1:00PM ET
[ Read More ]Death and Learning: This Is How Virtual Reality Is Helping Life
In this techno-fuelled, 21st-century world, Virtual Reality (VR) is quickly becoming actual reality. And with our limited degree of human awareness, VR is penetrating multiple aspects of our lives, from online education to social interaction to live events to attending funerals. At the click of a button, live-streamed happenings can now be accessed all day,
[ Read More ]How Certain Malware Will Make You Hack In Your Sleep
These days, many home appliances and electronics don’t work the way they used to. With the invention of self-monitoring, analysis, and reporting technology (SMART), a lot of the devices around the house won’t shut off completely unless they are completely disconnected from their source of electricity. We saw this trend about 12 years ago with PS3
[ Read More ]How To Vaporize Online Abuse From Internet Trolls
Who are internet trolls and what do they want? Why are they always starting online fights, upsetting chat rooms, and throwing inflammatory torches wherever and whenever possible? They’re not the scary characters living under a bridge you may remember from childhood—they’re actually worse because they’re real. According to the slang definition, an internet
[ Read More ]Your Digital Health Records Are A Nightmare For Technology
Despite its best efforts over the past two-plus decades, the healthcare industry has seriously lagged when it comes to implementing secure, user-friendly, and fully digitized medical recordkeeping. But this situation has started to shift as people in the field begin to encourage and embrace much-needed change through legacy recordkeeping and the implementation of new technologies.
[ Read More ]Hacking People: Is The Human Brain The Ultimate Attack Vector?
Human beings are an arrogant species. We consider ourselves to be highly evolved. We think we have superior brains. We feel we are in full control of our beliefs and behaviors. Because the alternative—that we’re not in control, and worse, that we can be manipulated—is frightening. And yet, history is brimming with various examples of
[ Read More ]The Truth About Government Surveillance Will Make You Sick
Shut the door, close the blinds, pull the covers over your head—it doesn’t really matter—because you’re never completely protected from the digital eyes around you. If this assertion sound outlandish or downright impossible, just consider the Internet of Things (IoT) and how it has changed the ongoing state of our privacy. As you sit in
- Jenn Jeffers
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