
Have You Been Fooled By An Insidious Text Message?

It’s completely understandable if checking your voicemail on your smartphone has become a dull chore. These days, people trying to reach you likely do so via email or text message. If you want to talk to someone using your actual voice, you may prefer using Skype or Google Hangouts or one of a plethora of

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Ensure Your Privacy With These Basic Tips

The average person in the world today keeps a ton of “stuff” on their smartphone. Gone are the days when making a call was the only thing you could do—now there’s basically nothing you can’t do on your mobile device—aside from keeping it completely safe, that is. Emailing, banking, shopping, it’s all right there at

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Five Android Antivirus Apps vs Google’s Own Antivirus Solution

Android has been on the market since 2008, and this year 2018 marks a decade of dominance in the world of mobile platforms. As part of being dominant in the mobile computing market comes the reciprocal risk of being targeted by cybercriminals. Android, due to its open platform nature enables users the capability to install

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These 6 Ways Say Improving Your Android’s Security Is A Snap

Mobile security is at the top of every company’s worry list these days. Nearly all workers now routinely access corporate data from smartphones, and that means keeping sensitive information out of the wrong hands is getting harder and harder for most mobile users. And as a huge number of people continue to access data thru

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