Is Crazy Quantum Technology Messing With Your Security?
Let’s start at the beginning. What is quantum computing? Today’s computers work with data represented by 1s and 0s—either on or off. This binary computing is the basis of technological marvels from massive supercomputers to desktops, smartphones and IoT devices. But hovering on the horizon is a new form of computing built upon quantum mechanics.
[ Read More ]This Is Why Cryptocurrencies Will Always Be Unicorns
It’s rare to find crossover between the mythological world and the business one, so when it happens—you know something big is happening. Throughout ancient history, the image of the unicorn has been one of elegance, mystery, and deep spiritual importance. As a horse-like creature with one magnificent horn, the legend of the unicorn has come
[ Read More ]The Strange Ways Supercomputers Are Being Used To Save Nukes
Nestled in the hills of Berkeley, California, is the Lawrence Livermore National Lab (LBNL). This is the home of “Sierra,” the second-most powerful supercomputer on the planet, that includes 7K square feet of racks, wires and blinking lights. For reference, the most powerful supercomputer is called “Summit” and is located in Tennessee’s Oakridge National Lab,
[ Read More ]Is Zero-Trust Security Actually A Game Changer?
The big buzzword in the industry today is “zero-trust security.” It’s getting a lot of ink—but is it real? Is it practical? And for starters, what the heck is it, exactly? How Enterprises Protect Their Digital Stuff in an Evolving World Long ago, back in far simpler days, enterprises protected their networks by surrounding them
[ Read More ]Should You Really Panic About Your Password Being Hacked?
It’s doubtful you’ve ever heard of “the beast”—but it lives in the computer science department at the University of Nottingham in the U.K. and can crack 40 million computer passwords in just seconds. The short story is this—everyone’s computer passwords are just plain terrible, and we should all be changing them like right now. Long
[ Read More ]More On The Shocking New Scandals Of Russian Cyber Threat
Considering the close relationship between the U.S. and the U.K, especially when it comes to international relations and the sharing of intelligence, American fears regarding Russia’s meddled in their 2016 elections has likely tainted Britain’s view of Russia as well. It wasn’t just Americans who closely followed that electoral process—people around the world were biting
- Kim Crawley
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Is The Latest Medical Hack The Last Straw In Attacks?
If you are worried about your bank account and credit score, you might want to think about something a whole lot worse—namely, the hackers out there who have started targeting medical devices as a method for bringing harm and even death to others. That’s right—it turns out the very same devices that can save your
[ Read More ]Protecting The Best Machine Of All: The Human Brain
With each passing day, mental health in the workplace is being talked about more freely, more honestly, and with way less stigma than ever before. People know that shortages in staffing often mean employees are overworked and underappreciated, a primary cause for stress, anxiety, and depression. And no sector is more likely to run short
[ Read More ]Is Your Router Being Exploited By Cyber Attackers?
Chances are you have a wifi router in your home that broadcasts an internet signal so your devices, laptops, smartphones, tablets, video game consoles, and whatever else can use it. If you work in an office, chances are you have a router there too. And if you go to your local coffee shop to surf
[ Read More ]Nokia Has Had Enough Of Daring New Malware Threats
If you’re like most people between the ages of 30-50, the Nokia brand probably gives you fond memories of seemingly indestructible pre-iPhone cell phones, which could last for a week on one battery charge. But even though Nokia lost significant phone market share as the iOS and Android wars became a thing, the Finnish corporation
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