You Need To Know Why The ePayment Industry Is Risking Your Money
If you’ve had the pleasure of traveling abroad during the last 15 years, maybe more, you’ve also most likely experienced the decidedly unpleasurable situation of your credit or debit cards “not working” or not being accepted unless you did some pre-emptive setup work with your bank. Yes, that’s when you insert your card into, say,
[ Read More ]What Happens When GPS Spoofing Takes Down A Power Grid?
When the layperson thinks about GPS, they typically visualize themselves conveniently driving with a nice, clear Google Map displayed on their smartphone to show them precisely where they are at all times. In fact, that’s how the vast majority of consumers directly interact with this type of technology—but like most digital things, there’s a bit more
[ Read More ]This Is Why Your Internet Browser Is Actually A Gateway To Danger
The internet is a pretty interesting place, where we can conduct research, handle business, connect with people, and even save ourselves a trip to the grocery store. It can also be a place fraught with dangers lurking behind every pixel—because when we open a browser window, the gateway to all things digital and sparkly on
[ Read More ]Why Facebook Is Now Seeking A Friend In The Security Business
Facebook may not be seeking world domination (just yet), but they are seeking some cybersecurity support in the form of a big acquisition—and for good reason. The social media demigod has had a rough go as of late, with their recent hack compromising the data of over 30 million users (slightly lower than the initial report
[ Read More ]This Is How Security Needs To Evolve For The Snapchat Generation
You may be sick of hearing about Millennials. Heck, most Millennials are sick of hearing about Millennials—and many resent being lumped into one massive, stereotyped group. It was no different for the Gen Xers who came before them. But there’s a reason why those stereotypes exist—and there are distinct differences among the generations. Next up
[ Read More ]Why Pentagon Weapons Are Frightfully Easy To Hack
It’s a fact—some industries are more digitally secure than others. Based on your own knowledge, which ones do you think have the best cybersecurity? The American military and the Pentagon ought to be near the top of the list, right? They have weapons, equipment, infrastructure, and oodles of resources, all of which can can protect
[ Read More ]How In The World Will The U.S. Secure Its Midterm Elections?
If there’s one thing we learned from the 2016 U.S. elections, it’s this: the entire process is in serious need of a cybersecurity update. And the biggest thing on most people’s minds right now as we head towards the midterm elections on November 6 is this: has the security situation gotten any better? Given how
[ Read More ]Debit Or Credit? How To Protect Your Money From Unbelievable Scams
With almost weekly revelations about new, big data breaches or malware attacks, it’s easy to get numbed into complacency. Especially when doing otherwise might introduce inconvenience into our daily lives. But literally, can you, afford to ignore these and similar threats? Global losses due to fraudulent credit card, debit card, and mobile payment transactions reached
[ Read More ]The Audacity Of WannaCry Ransomware Is A Warning Not To Ignore
If history is any indication, all you need to unleash a memorable and highly debilitating cyberattack is some government hacking tools, an unpatched system, and some devious North Korean operatives. And in the case of WannaCry Ransomware, which did precisely that, it is possible to effectively paralyze one of the most vital industries in the
[ Read More ]Why Small Businesses Are Actually Facing Big Security Risks
Unlike well-resourced, large corporations and enterprises with sophisticated infrastructure and cutting-edge technology, smaller organizations like the local restaurant chain, accounting firms, or private medical groups are typically at a disadvantage when it comes to shoring up their information security requirements. In fact, they may not even be thinking about it—and this lapse in judgement carries
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