
Android Security Out Of Google’s Control, Malware Infections Persists

“Security patch” is a term that refers to programs and data that fix known vulnerability in the software. Vulnerabilities are weaknesses, software bugs which can be “weaponized” in order to compromise the security and privacy of users. How many times we have witnessed in the mobile space, more particularly on Android having many unpatched defects,

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Russian-made FaceApp Accused Of Massive Facial Image Collection

We really are living in the future, with the growth and fast development of face recognition technology. It all started with the hardware, Android made face unlock a public feature starting with Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich (ICS) in 2011, that was eight years ago. It was seen as a gimmick, as a static image

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Era of Anonymous Mobile Browsing? TOR Browser Arrives To Android

We are recommending the use of the TOR Browser when it comes to browsing the web anonymously, with the bonus of enabling the user’s capability to browse the Dark Web with confidence. TOR, an acronym for The Onion Router, is a system of browsing the web through multiple nodes, to a point where the user’s

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Android Q’s Deep Press, an iPhone 3d Touch Clone

We are in the day and age that both Android and iOS are both copying each other’s features, which is not a big deal given how both platforms are already in their maturity stage. Google has decided to silently implement a feature that resembles 3d touch in iPhones, they call it the “Deep Press”, which

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This Is Why Homeland Security Has Labeled Gmail As Risky Business

In a recent intelligence report, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security has revealed serious weaknesses in Gmail’s new interface, many of which appear to be highly exploitable. As a top email service released in April 2004, Gmail has become the de-facto mode of digital communication for many people, especially those using an Android mobile device.

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Five Android Antivirus Apps vs Google’s Own Antivirus Solution

Android has been on the market since 2008, and this year 2018 marks a decade of dominance in the world of mobile platforms. As part of being dominant in the mobile computing market comes the reciprocal risk of being targeted by cybercriminals. Android, due to its open platform nature enables users the capability to install

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These 6 Ways Say Improving Your Android’s Security Is A Snap

Mobile security is at the top of every company’s worry list these days. Nearly all workers now routinely access corporate data from smartphones, and that means keeping sensitive information out of the wrong hands is getting harder and harder for most mobile users. And as a huge number of people continue to access data thru

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