Why You Should Always Be Nice To The InfoSec Team
Think your job is tough? Unless you’re in information security, puh-leeze. Those guys (and they are mostly guys, but that’s a whole different story) have it really rough. Sure—every job on the planet has tradeoffs, and there will always be some good days and some bad days. But anyone who’s responsible for cybersecurity within an
[ Read More ]Before You Forget Cybersecurity Month, Remember These 4 Tips
Every October since 2004, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and the National Cyber Security Alliance have co-sponsored NSCAM — National Cybersecurity Awareness Month. And now that we’ve just wrapped up NSCAM for 2018, it’s a good time to review all the key takeaways that will help you stay safe in the coming year, securing
[ Read More ]New Windows Defender Stops Viruses From Leaking Nasty Poison
Windows Defender has been around in some form or another since January 2005. In 2004, Microsoft bought GIANT AntiSpyware, an application which prevents spyware infections. Spyware is a type of malware which spies on you and allows cyber attackers to see what you’re doing on your computer and to view all the files on your
[ Read More ]Stolen Facebook Accounts Now For Sale On The Dark Web
It no secret that Facebook recently experienced a major breach in security, leading to the compromise of over 30 million user accounts. Folks who were affected by the massive snafu not only had to clean the cobwebs out of their Facebook account, they also had to cope with unauthorized logins to a number of other
[ Read More ]Is Your iPhone Making The Bad Guys Rich? You Better Know!
Apparently, some people think iPhones aren’t vulnerable to viruses and other types of malware. This simply isn’t true. Sure, iPhone’s operating system, iOS, has some real security advantages over Android, but that’s not where the story ends. iPhones need to be “jailbroken” if you want to install apps outside of the App Store, which means you
- Kim Crawley
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- 3.4K
How In The World Did Hacking Go From Mischief To Maleficence?
In the beginning, like way back in the late 1800s, hackers were not even hackers—they were really more like practical jokers. When Bell Telephone first started up its operations, all incoming and outgoing phone calls had to be routed through a main switchboard, which created the perfect opportunity for some teenage boys who had been
[ Read More ]Why Blockchain Is Being Felt For The First Time
The funny thing about technology is, it’s hard to recognize when it’s really in the process of transforming life as we know it. Most of us have lived through some pretty big digital revolutions, like the invention of the internet, the creation of the smartphone, and the roll out of a social platform so big,
[ Read More ]What Happens When Drones Suddenly Challenge Security?
Not too long ago, devices powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) were considered a futuristic novelty—but these days, not so much. Our dear friend Alexa now comfortably resides in well over 30 million American homes, and we may soon see drones delivering groceries and other goods straight to our front doors. But this particular development has
[ Read More ]Truth Or Lies? This Disinformation Plague Is Upending The World
As a new round of U.S. elections approach, accusations of electronic interference are flying around like crazy bats on a Halloween night! In early September, Facebook revealed it had identified more than $100,000 worth of divisive ads on controversial issues purchased by a shady Russian company with ties to the Kremlin. And that’s after other
[ Read More ]Beware Parents: Internet Creeps Are The New Halloween Monsters
If you are a parent, you likely know all about the tricks and treats of a festive Halloween. Costumes, candy, and energetic sugar rushes can be a lot of fun for everyone, but most adults with kids also have some real concerns about safety during this special night of trick or treating. Darkness, strangers, traffic,
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