Why Australia Is Sick And Tired Of No Young Cybersecurity Professionals
Similar to Japan, Australia is one of the few countries with a growing elderly population—and even though both economies are stable and strong, this reality will soon need some attention. For Australians, one of the biggest threats to their future is the lack of younger, skilled cybersecurity professionals who can uphold industry best practices. The
[ Read More ]The Risk Of Online Surfing Without A VPN Will Blow Your Mind
Regardless of your online prowess—or lack thereof—understanding the need for personal protection is almost instinctual. It doesn’t take much to know you need warm clothes to protect yourself from the elements and a seatbelt to protect yourself from injury. These, among thousands of other measures, are simple ways we keep ourselves safe in the real
[ Read More ]White House Now On Red Alert In The Wake Of Russia’s Attack
Director of National Intelligence, Dan Coats revealed in a recent threat update issued by the American Intelligence Community (IC) that the U.S. government has launched several investigations looking into the cyber-warfare tactics deployed by foreign states. In a speech addressed to the Hudson Institute, Coats spoke about Russian involvement in recent attacks and labeled the country
- Jenn Jeffers
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Welcome To The Beauty And Horror Of The Dark Web
Contrary to popular belief, the vast majority of the internet is not visible to the average user. In fact, regular online surfers are only seeing about four percent of what’s really there. So, where’s the rest? According to that statistic, approximately 96% of the world’s biggest public network sits in relative darkness and can only
[ Read More ]This Is What Happens When Your Boss Is Really A Russian Scammer
The Russian anti-malware firm, Kaspersky, has recently found a spear phishing scam affecting “email and other electronic communications targeted at specific individuals, organizations, or businesses.” These exploits are specifically designed to steal information for malicious purposes by installing secret malware on unsuspecting systems. And the kicker is, they do it by posing as your boss.
- Jenn Jeffers
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Warning To All Executives: This Security Breach Is On You!
Turn out, 2017 was a crazy year for data breaches. No one can forget the massive Equifax disaster, which exposed the sensitive information of millions of customers to cybercriminals around the world. And of course, there was the attack on the Republican National Committee which leaked personal data of over 200 million American voters. Oh,
[ Read More ]SamSam Ransomware Is The New Kid On The Block With The Worst Reputation
The reality of ransomware has skyrocketed in the past year, raking in millions upon millions of dollars for crafty hackers and their criminal syndicates, all of whom appear to have created the golden goose of malware. In a recent blog post, Sophos revealed that WannaCry’s spiritual successor, SamSam Ransomware, has now pulled in $5.9 million
[ Read More ]Here Is A Surprising Look At Smart City-Based Vulnerabilities
Not only has the 21st century introduced a whole new way thinking about the world, it has forced people living in big cities to change their collective mindset. The rise of “smart cities,” complete with their various types of electronic data collection sensors and information-gathering resources, has dramatically altered the attack vector on the people
[ Read More ]Here Are The Unbelievable Ways Equifax Continues To Live In Denial
Just a year after its record-breaking fiasco—and arguably one of the biggest data breaches in history—the credit bureau, Equifax, is back in business. But at what cost? After weathering a major storm of legislative and regulatory inquiries, leaders in the company have yet to make any significant business decisions about how to improve their business
- Jenn Jeffers
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Ensure Your Privacy With These Basic Tips
The average person in the world today keeps a ton of “stuff” on their smartphone. Gone are the days when making a call was the only thing you could do—now there’s basically nothing you can’t do on your mobile device—aside from keeping it completely safe, that is. Emailing, banking, shopping, it’s all right there at
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